Notice: Sometimes the dates may change based on CREC availability. Will keep you posted as soon as it changes.
FEBRUARY 1 - SEW DAY The door will be open at 8 am ,for a sew day for Quilts of Kindness. We will have our meeting at 10, have lunch at 12 and sew again in the afternoon.
MARCH 7 and 8 Raija Salomaa is our presenter. There will be a workshop on March 7. We will do a quilt "Jester's Choice". She will present our program on the 8th and be available that afternoon for further working on Jester's Choice. Her bio and a (not very good ) photo of Jester's Choice is below.
Charge is $40.00 for members and $50.00 for non members.
APRIL 5 - Our own Carmen Butts will present our program on collage and an afternoon workshop. There is no charge.
MAY 3 Installation of new officers
JUNE 14 Garage sale